I wanted to write to let you know how privileged we feel having had our two girls grow and develop in The Gardens. They both loved it and thrived in their different ways. Never once did I worry about both parents working as I knew the girls were learning and growning so well. We will all miss the turtles, animal teddies and that rocking horse and the friendly faces we met everyday at The Gardens.
My son xxxx attended the Gardens at Standen Rd opposite the Nourish and Flourish Building (which is exactly what happens in your nursery!). He really enjoyed his time there and I think it was the best introduction to starting school that any child could have had. We read the article in "Time and Leisure" together and he fondly remembers "Mrs B" and all the fun and lovely food he had there. Thank you for the wonderful preparation and I hope you move from strength to strength as I believe the children who are at your nursery are truly truly lucky to have you.
I wanted to email you to say thank you for everything. I feel so lucky that you found a space for us last minute and both xxxx and I loved The Gardens so much. I felt pretty emotional when we left London and one of the main reasons is because of the nursery. xxxx was so so happy there. Having seen a few nurseries in London on my search in January, yours is the best. I know it has the reputation for being so but the reality matches it completely. The environment, the food, the classes, the staff, everything. Even the turtles! I wish you all the best for the future and I hope that the Gardens continues to be the roaring success and joy to be in that it is now; I'm sure it will be.
I just wanted to say how impressed we are with the nursery school ‘upstairs’. xxxx and xxxx are fantastic and immensely competent and I feel so confident in them and their team. xxxx has had a few wobbles as she’s settled in but I’ve felt really confident in the team’s care and they’ve given us super advice on how to support xxxx too.
A few weeks ago, my friend xxxx picked up xxxx and brought her to my my office, and I’ve been meaning to let you know what she said to me. xxxx was completely blown away by how kind, friendly and helpful everyone was to her when she arrived. She said you could not have been nicer. She was amazed by the ‘absolutely wonderful’ atmosphere in the Gardens nursery, and how happy xxxx seemed to be there. Thank you all so much! I felt really proud to hear this. (Her son attends a different local nursery so she does have a point of reference.)
We run the risk of cluttering your inbox but we really must write to send our compliments to everyone involved in Snow White production. The quality was superb from the music, the lighting, the stage, the props, the acting, the singing to the catering! It is very clear that a lot of work has gone into it and I’m sure all the other parents were just as impressed as we were! The performance and being on stage has had a very positive impact on xxxx - thank you!