Please complete the form below to register your interest on any open waiting lists. We will contact you to offer you tour of the Nursery. If your application is successful you will be offered a place on our waiting list depending on availability.
Please do not apply for any closed waitings lists and do keep checking this page for future waiting list updates.
Please note we offer the following day combinations:
If you require 2 days - Either Mon & Tues / Thurs & Fri / Mon & Fri
If you require 3 days - Either Mon, Tues & Weds / Weds, Thurs & Fri
If you require 4 days - Either Mon to Thurs or Tues to Fri
If you require 5 days - Mon to Fri
Current Availability:
Baby room age at entry is between 9 - 14 months. Our intake is between second week of January through to end of October due to our settling in process.
2026 Baby Room - CURRENTLY PAUSED - Please do not apply
2025 Baby Room 9 to 14 months -CLOSED / FULL - please do not apply
Toddler Room 16 months plus - CLOSED / FULL - please do not apply
Nursery School - 2 years plus - CLOSED / FULL - please do not apply
Preschool - A three day place on a Tuesday, Thursday & Friday available now.
Please complete the form below to be added to our cancellation mailing list: